Cover by Christopher Jackson
The world looks up to the sky in hopeful anticipation as the Pennychuck Atmospheric Carbon Reduction System comes online. Finally the chance to eliminate global warming will be obtainable.
Within moments, something goes terribly wrong. Dr. Milford Pennychuck races to find the underlying problem that caused so much destruction. Yet when an assassination attempt and system sabotage blindsides him, he has to rely on a surprising ally.
Together they delve into a conspiracy deeper than they can fathom. As the system operates at progressively higher altitudes, the two scientists must find a way to shut it down…or die trying.
Available now from Ambassador International.
This is my third novel. A large portion of the story came to me after I commissioned a clay pottery mug as a Christmas present for my wife. It featured the phrase, “Hold You Mommy” that our toddler daughter would say when she wanted a hug. The artist was a joy to work with, and she inspired one of the main characters.
Mug by Laura Lynn Pottery
Silent Altitudes is available as an audiobook produced by Jenny Myers. She delivers a wide range of characters, accents, and emotions, and it was clear to me that she “got” my intentions for the feel of each scene. If you want my recommendation of how to experience this book, go with her recording!
Reviews and Endorsements
“Author Michael Emberger offers an exciting ride in this race against time to stop a hijacked project from destroying the human race.”
— Ann Wilson, bestselling author of HOVER
“Silent Altitudes” intertwines heart-wrenching loss, greed, the bonds of family, and the strength of a mother’s love to save the climate from catastrophe. A cli-fi page turner.”
— Dan Bloom, editor, The Cli-Fi report
“From takeoff to landing, I was on the edge of my seat. This is an incredible story of a race against time to survive.”
— Colleen Chen, pilot and owner, Vertical Ventures Aviation
“Silent Altitudes provides a thoughtful introspection as to what may lay ahead unless we change our ways.”
— Brian Jeffrey, author of Adventures from the Coldest Part of the Cold War